Friday, December 22, 2006

Wedding remembered

Today Jean and I received the pictures from our wedding photographer, just in time to put some cool stuff together for Kaiser-folk when we go to Chicago for Christmas tomorrow. The shots are fantastic. Often, when I remember things, I lament "I only wish..." even though the experience I am remembering was a pleasant one; I guess I am a bit of a memory perfectionist. As I reviewed the photos with Jean earlier tonight I found myself thinking how incredible it is that if I could plan our wedding again, knowing what I know now (having done it once), I wouldn't change anything. This could be because at the moment I am in a great mood... I am having the best week of my life, poker-wise (four consecutive multiple-rack wins at big games: 15-30 or 30-60), rain and holidays mean I have basically no work to do, and my house is clean. But, getting back to the wedding, the feeling of perfection is not about my mood; I have felt this way each time I have thought about it, and there have been a few. For me (and Jean too, I think), it really was a dream wedding.

I miss Mom.

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